Read screenshot 1336-1341 for the questions. Answer the 4 questions that are in

Read screenshot 1336-1341 for the questions. Answer the 4 questions that are in screenshot 1338 using the “Physical Anthropology Chapter 12.pdf”, then this website… but only read three sections: “Biblical Concordism—Theological, Historical, and Scientific” Section, “Scientific Concordism in Creation Chronologies” Section, and “Scientific Accommodation (to Ancient Near-East Cosmology” Section. For questions 1 and 2 use screenshots 1338-1340 (a fictional essay from an imaginary friend) and the Chapter 12 textbook, as for question 3 you need to use this website… and the Chapter 12 textbook. Finally for question 4 use this website… with the Chapter 12 textbook. Don’t forget to cite the page numbers (or paragraphs for the website) you use to answer the questions and use APA citation format, for example for this book use (Jurmain et al., 2018, p. …). The citation example that I gave you is a citation of the book you only need the page numbers. The font is Times New Roman 12 pt and the essay must be around 250-300 words (you can write more but keep in mind to not write way too much). Use the book and websites that I have given no other outside sources are allowed and don’t use chat gpt as the professor would notice it.

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