Reaction paper Students will be required to write three reaction papers to selec

Reaction paper
Students will be required to write three reaction papers to selected readings provided by the instructor. The articles chosen will explore the topics of group think and cognitive bias. These papers will be 1.5-2 pages long (at most) and will provide a summary of the reading as well as your view on why the article discussed is important. The opinion section of the paper is very important, I do not simply want a summary! As a general rule 2/3 of the paper should be summary, 1/3 opinion/reaction.
Provides accurate, descriiptive, and concise summary of article information, effectively summarizing main points of articles Thoughtfully critiques author main points, using evidence to back up arguments. Critique is insightful and thorough. Opinion/reflection is relevant to article and is well thought out. Information is organized in a fully effective manner; Sentences effectively constructed with no grammatical or mechanical errors All apa formatting requirements met I will upload phots of the two article

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