Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide each teacher candidate an

The purpose of this assignment is to provide each teacher candidate an opportunity to plan and develop an instructional unit appropriate for use in an elementary-level social studies classroom.
Units will follow the format and include:
Unit title, grade, and subject
Focus questions for the unit
Concepts to be taught
NCSS Thematic Social Studies Standards Addressed
State Social Studies Competencies addressed
Instructional materials to be used by the teacher and the students
Means of assessment (i.e., informal and formal; must include 1 performance assessment task per competency
Titles and brief descriiptions of each of the lessons
This Mock Unit template will serve as your cover page to get you started. Remember- only the items listed above are required for this activity. It might be easier (after the group has agreed on a theme and things like that) for each student to fill out one of the templates in addition to the cover page. So, in a group of 4, there will be five submissions. The Mock Unit template with all the brief information as a cover page, and then each individual student does a template page in regard to their particular lesson in the unit.
You will choose a social studies theme that is linked to a competency from the MS Social Studies Framework. The unit must integrate multiple social studies disciplines and non-social studies disciplines, be linked to NCSS standards, and support one or more competency from the MS SS framework. You will submit your unit plan on Canvas. I have include the Mock Unit Cover Page to be used as a template and the grading rubric. Disregard the talk about a group, as I chose not to work in a group. This must be done with 5th grade standards for a 5th grade class. I provided a link below for the Mississippi standards, they will only be found under each subjects College and Career readiness standards link. You may have to highlight and copy it.

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