President Biden recently sign an executive order addressing the use of covenant’

President Biden recently sign an executive order addressing the use of covenant’s not compete. In recent years some states have taken steps to curtail the use of these restrictive covenants. There has also been legislation introduced to address the use covenants not to compete. Below are some articles regarding those efforts, as well as the draft bill introduced (attached).
Conduct some research of your own. Set forth your position regarding the use of covenant’s not to compete. Should they be limited or precluded entirely? Are their times when an employer needs the protections they provide?
Write a 500-700 analysis on the questions listed above. No cover page, no sectional headings, just one cohesive paper.
President Biden’s Recent Executive Order Takes Aim At Non-Competes (
Young and Murphy Introduce Bill to Limit Non-Compete Agreements, Protect Workers | U.S. Senator Todd Young of Indiana (
Why Janitors Get Noncompete Agreements, Too – Stateline
The Changing Landscape of Covenants Not to Compete In Texas – Reiter, Brunel & Dunn, PLLC (
Overreaching Covenants Not to Compete Under Attack from All Sides (

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