Please take the outline you submitted 11/12, copy and paste it to a new document

Please take the outline you submitted 11/12, copy and paste it to a new document
1) Change the font on th existing document
2) Add Grey and Orange Parts
Body Paragraph One
Change font to Green for topic sentence
Add some discussion here about the topic
Change font to Blue for evidence one
Add the discussion about evidence in Orange
Transitions in Grey
Change font to purple for evidence two
Add the discussion about evidence in Orange
Body Paragraph Two
(Add transition phrase here) Change font to Green for topic sentence
Add some discussion here about the topic
Change font to Blue for evidence one
Add the discussion about evidence in Orange
Transitions in Grey
Change font to purple for evidence two
Add the discussion about evidence in Orange
Body Paragraph Three
(Add transition phrase here) Change font to Green for topic sentence
Add some discussion here about the topic
Change font to Blue for evidence one
Add the discussion about evidence in Orange
Transitions in Grey
Change font to purple for evidence two
Add the discussion about evidence in Orange
Body Paragraph Four
(Add transition phrase here) Change font to Green for topic sentence
Add some discussion here about the topic
Change font to Blue for evidence one
Add the discussion about evidence in Orange
Transitions in Grey
Change font to purple for evidence two
Add the discussion about evidence in Orange

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