Please see link below and follow instructions closely. Homework Assignment Creat

Please see link below and follow instructions closely.
Homework Assignment
Create 10 multiple choice test questions from Chapter 13.
All answer choices must be plausible options with respect to that question. Make sure to place an asterisk on the correct answer before the letter (as shown below). Make sure questions/answers line up (as shown below). USE LOWER CASE LETTERS FOR ANSWER OPTIONS (as shown below). No “all of the above” or “none of the above” choices will be accepted. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE IN THE SAME FORMAT (no exceptions). Pay attention to grammar and upper/lower case letters. Please stick to the format below.
Please see link to access format.
ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE IN THE SAME FORMAT (no exceptions). Pay attention to grammar and upper/lower case letters.
1. Question Here?
a. answer choice.​​​
*b. Correct choice.
c. answer choice.
d. answer choice.

2. Question Here?
*a. Correct choice.
b. answer choice.
c. answer choice.
d. answer choice.

On the bottom of your assignment / questions please indicate where the information was obtained i.e. Chapter and page.
1. Chapter ______ page_____
2. Chapter______ page _____
REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: International Human Rights; BY Jack Donnelly and Daniel Whelan; Sixth Edition. ISBN: 978-0367217853

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