please reply to at least two of your peer’s posts. In each reply, please do at l

please reply to at least two of your peer’s posts. In each reply, please do at least one of the following:
Note an idea that you and your peer shared or agreed upon.
Share some feedback or commentary about something interesting he/she shared that you may not have considered.
***The replies must also be at least 60 words each.
1- Andrew Gulla
1. The Social Media Impact on Society, Especially Teenagers
Influence on Mental Health
Social Relationships and Communication
Educational Impact
Privacy Concerns
Cyberbullying and Online Harassment
2. Social media’s widespread impact on today’s society, especially teenagers, has many kinds of negative effects on relationships, education, mental health, and privacy. It also creates concerns about online safety and privacy.
3. The constant access of teenagers to social media negatively impacts their mental health by increasing their anxiety and depression.
Teenagers’ social and relationships are affected by the change in communication patterns from in-person to virtual interactions.
The rate at which cyberbullying and online harassment happen shows the negative sides of social media and calls for an in-depth examination of its effects on youngsters’ psychological safety.
4. However, supporters argue that social media gives teens a useful platform for connecting and expressing themselves, creating a sense of community that can improve their social growth.
2- Marwah Algharbi
1) Begin your post by stating your Research Paper topic and listing subtopics.
My research paper topic is “Organic food” and the subtopics are :
1- Health benefits.
2- Environmental implications.
3- Supporting farmers in growing organic crops.
2) Write a thesis statement stating your stance on your topic.
Eating organic food is the best nutritional choice; it positively affects health and has great advantages that need to be considered and incorporated into diets.
3) Write a few topic sentences that would support this thesis.
1- The top reason why people choose to eat organic foods is to maintain their health.
2- Reducing pollution and protecting water and soil is critical for maintaining a healthy environment and ensuring clean and safe resources for future generations.
3- Supporting organic crops by providing the required financial incentives helps raise productivity.
4) Write one topic sentence that offers the opposition’s view:
The opposition to organic diets argues that the benefits of organic food are overshadowed by the drawbacks of expensive prices and limited availability.
My view on the opposition’s argument:
My perspective is that supporting the cultivation of organic fruits and vegetables is crucial to providing a sufficient quantity of healthy produce for the population. Additionally, farmers should be provided with the necessary support and resources to increase production. By growing organic production and discontinuing non-organic farming practices that rely on chemicals and hormones, we can provide organic foods at a reasonable price

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