please follow the guidelines that i uploaded and the title is “Enhancing Custome

please follow the guidelines that i uploaded and the title is “Enhancing Customer Experience in the Hospitality Industry through Technology Integration”.
you can edit the title but i need same meaning and the customer is customer service and the technology is AI in hospitality industry.
please use SIMPLE AND EASY words. i need paper and slides and please in each slide note box write what i will present in the class, i am international student so please try to explain clear and short in each slid. and please cover every thing on the research briefly. i uploaded the outline. please follow the guidelines of research proposal. if you need more sources you can add, i said 3 but maybe more.Each slide displays text in a way that is easy for audience to understand. This may be an outline, photo, table, chart, figure, etc.
Visuals are creative or clean, and help the audience remember the presentation. and explain every slide on the note box so i can present what you wrote in the note box. please let the slides look amazing and professional.
please follow the grading rubric. i need to get full mark to pass this class.if you have question please ask me thank you.

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