Persuasive Speech You must upload a properly formatted outline (Links to an exte

Persuasive Speech
You must upload a properly formatted outline (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in numeric format. With a properly formatted bibliography attached.
For Information on a bibliography.Links to an external site.
Topic Focus: Your choice
Learning Focus: Persuading an audience
Research: Relevant research on topic from no less than three reliable sources. You must verbally cite these in the speech.
You must upload your outline to this assignment in word or pdf format. This must be in outline format not an essay or manuscript
Research: Relevant research on topic from three reliable sources
Time: 7-10 minutes Time must be used efficiently and effectively. (Note: if your speech exceeds or is shorter than the required time by 1 minute, your total score will be reduced by 50%.)
You must upload a properly formatted outlineLinks to an external site.
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
in numeric format. With a properly formatted bibliography attached.
For Information on a bibliography.Links to an external site.
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Attention getter-you have started with something that appropriately grabs our attention. Do not start with, “My name is and I am going to talk about….”
Preview-you have offered a preview of your points or thesis
Adapt to audience-you have demonstrated relevance of your topic to the audience
Approach & beginning-how you approach the lectern and begin the speech
Appropriate length-introduction is not out sized in comparison to the body
Appropriate organizational pattern-speech is structured in a way that supports the thesis
Clear & logical-organization makes sense given the content
Followed planned written outline-there is evidence of organization implemented
Transitions-you have transitional material from the introduction, main point s and into the conclusion
Emotional arguments are used ethically
Logical arguments are rationally structured
Main points clearly explained-you have sufficient supporting information to make a persuasive argument. Use cited research primarily to build your case.
Persuasion is one of the following:
Speech of refutation
Speech to influence thinking
Speech to motivate action
Main points clearly supported by accurate research-you have relevant research 3 sources
Oral footnotes requirements met-you are citing the research in the speech verbally. Use author, title, publication and date if relevant.
Summary-review of main points and some supporting material
Clincher statement-connected to thesis
Does not add new information not presented in body
Appropriate length-is not out sized in comparison to the body
Eye focus-eyes focus on camera without undue looking at notes. This will be obvious if you are reading the entire speech. Work from an outline.
Posture-standing or sitting without undue leaning on furniture
Avoided distracting mannerisms-physical distractions
Facial expressions relate to content
Gestures-used within camera range
Vocal enthusiasm-using variety in pace, volume, and pitch
Rate/fluency (avoided dead air)
Volume-appropriate and directed toward microphone
Avoided offensive language (crude, sexist, racist)
Avoided verbal fillers (uh, um, like, etc.)
Clarity (pronunciation & articulation)-effort shown in making yourself understood
Good use of presentation aids.
Outline complete (all required parts present: intro, body, conclusion)
Outline format correct (typed, outline numbering)
Bibliography requirements met in APA or MLA format all sources cited
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