• Personal Philosophy of Education This portfolio artifact is a written summary

• Personal Philosophy of Education
This portfolio artifact is a written summary of your educational philosophy (word-processed, 3 pages minimum, double-spaced, 1″ margin). Write a narrative that addresses your personal philosophy regarding these areas:
1. Profession: Why you are choosing this profession? Who or what experience(s) have inspired you? What is your personal knowledge or skill set that will serve you? How did your field observation help you understand the teaching environment?
2. Teaching: What educational philosophy and psychological orientation dictate your current beliefs about education? How does your knowledge of historical events set the stage for how you will think about children and schools?
3. Instruction: What teaching strategies will you implement? Also, explain your approaches to:
student learning
learning differences
meeting the needs of students from diverse backgrounds and students with an IEP
and uses of assessment.
4. Future: What qualities do you need to possess to move forward in this career? What specific steps (education, employment, volunteer experiences) do you plan to undertake in order to achieve your goals?

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