Part One – Written Document: A high-level summary of your audit. A suggested outline for the written
report includes:
Title Page (remember this is a formal marketing document so it should reflect your company’s
Table of Contents (Word can create this for you).
Company and industry background information + value proposition (1-2 pages).
Customer personas (3 personas – 1 page per persona).
Summary for each of the digital marketing audit areas covered in the ICAs (1-2 pages per area)
o Include strengths and weaknesses with relevant data (use appendix for tables/graphs or put
within the text).
o Include specific recommendations for your company – you must have at least two clear,
specific recommendations for each area based on best practices discussed throughout the
semester. Be critical! Do not simply say they are the best so there is no recommendation.
These should be logically supported based on your analysis within a particular area and
focused on how your company can improve each aspect of their digital marketing.
o Provide 1-2 paragraphs briefly summarizing key aspects from the competitors.
o If your company does not use one of the areas, your section should focus on how they can
start using that area to improve their digital marketing.
Final summary and conclusions (1-2 pages).
o This should be a summary of your audit that highlights your key takeaways.
o Include a visual dashboard summary (i.e., a table) rating the company and its two
competitors in each of the areas (i.e., 4/5 “stars” for Company A, 3/5 for Company B, and
5/5 for Company C), and an overall rating of the organization’s digital marketing efforts
given your group’s audit. *Note this rating is subjective to your group’s feelings based on
what you found.
o Your concluding remarks should provide an adequate summary of your entire audit and help
prioritize the company’s digital marketing actions moving forward.
Additional Requirements:
When organizing each section use appropriate headings and sub-headings. Provide an intro to each
are including what the “methodology” was for analyzing that component – should be around a
paragraph and detailed for someone outside this course to understand the process, factors used to
evaluate, and any digital tools used and for what purposes.
Use good communication and readability – (well-written, logical flow, avoid grammatical mistakes).
12 pt font, 1-inch margins, 1.5 spaced.
Appendix – appropriate use of graphs and tables and other visual images in appendix or within the
text to support analysis (within the text with appropriate labels and references tends to be the
better way to present, but either format is acceptable).
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