Part 1:
Find the web site for one professional early childhood organization (the website is the following: Explore their website. Provide the URL and a summary of the services they provide (i.e., what do you get for being a member). Given the field you are in or plan to pursue upon graduation, should you belong to this organization? Why or why not?
Part 2:
Find the web site for one professional early childhood education publication that you think might publish articles related to your interests as a future practicing teacher. Explore their web site and examine three or four issues (if available) by reviewing the titles, abstracts, and contents of the articles. Provide the URL and a summary of the range of topics and types of articles one can find in this journal and for what audience they are intended. Also identify whether or not they focus on publishing empirical research or sharing best practices or a balance of both. Will this journal be a good one to read frequently as you continue through your program? Is it likely you will continue to read the journal in the future? Why or why not?
Part 3:
Articulate your own beliefs by creating philosophy statements that connect with the concepts discussed, so far, for the role of the teacher.
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