Part 1: Based upon this week’s reading found in the Overview, please respond to

Part 1:
Based upon this week’s reading found in the Overview, please respond to the following prompts/questions:
According to Aristotle, what are the two most important elements of drama? Why do you think he prioritized these two?
For Aristotle, what is catharsis, and why is it important in drama?
What are archetypes, and why are they important in drama?
Choose three of the twelve archetypes discussed in the PowerPoint, and for each, provide an example of this archetype from theater, TV, or movies Use this template for your response to this question…copy and paste it or retype it into your document.
Part 2:
Share one of the archetypes you discussed or will discuss in #4 from this module’s assignment, including a photo! Use this format:Archetype: _____________________Name of Play, TV Show, or Movie: _____________________
Character Name: ___________________
Description of how this character exemplifies this archetype: _______________________

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