Part 1: The Bill of Rights: -Explain why the Anti-federalists pushed for the Bi

Part 1: The Bill of Rights:
-Explain why the Anti-federalists pushed for the Bill of Rights to be included in the US Constitution. What reasons did they cite as necessary in response to the desire of Federalists to create a strong central government?
-Explain some of the civil liberties that were included and established individual freedoms for Americans.
-Explain how the Supreme Court has expanded civil liberties in the U.S. since the creation of the Bill of Rights. Include in your discussion the role of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Explain the balance of power between the individual and the government as interpreted by the Supreme Court.
Part 2: Analyze these civil liberties in two important areas of controversy today:
-Analyze the pros and cons of expanding government surveillance and give me your verdict on whether we should decrease civil liberties in the name of national security.
-When it comes to freedom of speech analyze the pros and cons on whether the free speech clause of the US Constitution grants corporations the right to unlimited campaign contributions to politicians.

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