part 1 Goal Setting” Read and study Chapter 16 in your text on Goal Setting. Wh

part 1 Goal Setting”
Read and study Chapter 16 in your text on Goal Setting.
Which type of goal is best? Provide examples of three types of goals and why they are effective.
How is goal setting effective in helping the athlete?
Let’s put this into practice. Read page 388 on SMARTS goals and write a personal SMARTS goal for yourself, based on the sport or hobby you enjoy the most
PART 2 respond to two peers
Peer1 In this week’s discussion we look into the topic of goal setting and how it applies in sports psychology. Before we choose which type of goal is best let’s look at three different one’s and decide. Outcome goals: these calls typically focus on the competitive result of any event (Weinberg & Gould, 2023). For example, winning a race earning a medal, etc. These goals being achieved depends on not only your own personal efforts, but the efforts of your opponent as well. Playing to the best of your abilities and still losing results in not achieving this type of goal.
Performance goals: These goals focus on achieving certain standards or performance objectives. They focus on comparisons of one’s past achievements. These goals and achievements are flexible and can be controlled by the individual (Weinberg & Gould, 2023). For example, running 1 mile in 6 minutes and performing better the next time around.
Process goals: These goals focus primarily on the individual themselves. It all depends on their engagement during performance to execute or perform well. For example, an athlete who is in rehab for an injury may set the goal of slowly moving through a range of motion while maintaining good form on certain exercises (Weinberg & Gould, 2023). Research done by Kingston and Hardy in 1997 has shown that this goal is particularly effective in having a positive
influence (Weinberg & Gould, 2023).
After reviewing the three goals the best one overall sounds like process goals. These goals are based of the individual themselves which seem best and more achievable. They also have a positive influence which has been researched and studied by Kingston and Hardy (1997). Goalsetting has been proven to be effective in every aspect of life. But when it comes to athletes it can help them improve their performance and mindset. Setting goals for yourself as an athlete can help you accomplish lots of things. To give a personal example, throughout my years of playing high school my goal was to always be captain of the team. What I loved about the ideas around my soccer team was that you didn’t have to be the best player or score a certain number of goals to be captain. It was about your attitude, mindset, and so on. The way I got to being captain was by motivating my teammates, giving them advice, and helping them alter their mindset on winning. After reading SMART goals this is how I would write personal SMART goals for myself in soccer. Specific: To improve on my foot work and keeping my head up.
Measurable: I will measure this by seeing how long I can keep my head up while having the ball in my possession as well as how many times I can keep as giving them advice, and helping them alter their mindset on winning. After reading SMART goals this is how I would write personal SMART goals for myself in soccer. Specific: To improve on my foot work and keeping my head up.
Measurable: I will measure this by seeing how long I can keep my head up while having the ball in my possession as well as how many times I can keep as well as loose the ball while playing smart.
Action: Head has to be up while having the ball in possession and footwork by maneuvering the ball through other opponents.
Realistic: The goal can be achieved when practicing solo. During a match it may be harder but can ultimately be improved.
Timely: I would give myself a span of three months to achieve this with practice daily.
Self-determined: The goal is being set by myself to help improve my skill overall.
Reference: Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2023). Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology (Eighth). Human Kinetics.wc- 558
Peers 2 Goal SettingCOLLAPSE Hello Dr. Razo and classmates,I find performance goal is best for me. Yet mention that a combination of all goal types is best, outcome, performance, and process. Certainly, different types of goals are most effective under different circumstances. The first examples are outcome goal. I believe they are effective because the aim to win. Secondly performance goals. Performance goals are based on achieving a mark such as a 3.75 GPA according to CALE. Lastly process goals are specific procedures. I find this type of goal must challenging to adhere to. My most recent exercise goal included a daily walk of 6000 steps. This type of goal is up to me. Goal setting is effective in helping an athlete because it is the core of achievement. For most athletes’ performance is highly linked to the setting goals. Goals are a motivation tool that commit the athlete to invest time, work, and resources to achieve success (Weinberg & Gould, 2019). Goals improve performance for Olympic athletes (Weinberg & Gould, 2019. To put this into practice a personal SMARTS goal for me is based on my interest of reading. SMARTS stand for specific, measurable, ac
Hello Dr. Razo and classmatI find performance goal is best for me. Yet mention that a combination of all goal types is best, outcome, performance, and process. Certainly, different types of goals are most effective under different circumstances. The first examples are outcome goal. I believe they are effective because the aim to win. Secondly performance goals. Performance goals are based on achieving a mark such as a 3.75 GPA according to CALE. Lastly process goals are specific procedures. I find this type of goal must challenging to adhere to. My most recent exercise goal included a daily walk of 6000 steps. This type of goal is up to me. Goal setting is effective in helping an athlete because it is the core of achievement. For most athletes’ performance is highly linked to the setting goals. Goals are a motivation tool that commit the athlete to invest time, work, and resources to achieve success (Weinberg & Gould, 2019). Goals improve performance for Olympic athletes (Weinberg & Gould, 2019. To put this into practice a personal SMARTS goal for me is based on my interest of reading. SMARTS stand for specific, measurable, ac
Part 3 “Practical Application of Sport Psychology”
This PowerPoint presentation is worth 15% of your grade.
Please use the APA format and cite at least four (4) sources on the slides. I have guidelines on using the APA format and citing sources attached here for you.
Select a problem or situation you have observed in a physical activity setting that could be prevented or improved upon using the principles you have learned in sport and exercise psychology. Please limit your selection of problems or situations to the following areas: Arousal, Stress, and Anxiety (chapter 5)
Imagery (chapter 14)
Self-confidence (chapter 15)
Goal setting (chapter 16)
Attention or concentration (chapter 17)
You may consider situations that you might encounter as a coach, physical educator, athletic trainer or physical therapist, fitness professional, and so on. In other words, although the type of problem that you tackle is limited (e.g., teamwork), the situation to which you choose to apply your knowledge is not. Design a program or intervention to prevent or improve the situation. Be specific! In the event that you encounter this situation in the real world, you should be able to use the material that you’ve developed for this project as is. Note: If you choose a topic or intervention based on a chapter not yet covered in class, you are responsible for being familiar with the material relevant to that chapter when designing your program or intervention. Final Product
Although your final product does not have a firm slide number (for reasons that will become obvious), you should make sure that it is typed, double-spaced and includes the following: An introduction describing the situation, activity, individuals, age group, skill or ability level, and any other circumstances pertinent to the situation for which you are designing your program or intervention.
1-2 slides highlighting the literature reviewed to decide on effective interventions.
A complete description of your program or intervention. How will it work? If it is designed to take place in stages, what are these stages? How often should each stage be used? How will you know if your program or intervention has been effective?
Any forms, visual aids, or other materials you would use to implement your program or intervention (e.g., if you’re doing a goal-setting intervention for high school basketball players, develop the actual form or visual aid you would use for recording goals). The key to this part of the assignment is to be creative and specific!
List the limitations of your program or intervention: Could you modify it for another sport or a different group? Could you apply these interventions to any person?
Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):Use Arial or Times New Roman Font
Minimum of four (4) cited sources
Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material
Make sure your name is on your title slide
Include a title slide and a works cited slide (no abstract needed)
*********************Grading Rubric for Final ProjectItem DescriptionPossible Points
Adequately covers the topics using and citing factual information40
Uses the required minimum scholarly and credible resources in a brief review of the literature (at least four)20
Uses proper organization, following APA style.*This project should include a title slide and a references slide. Parenthetical citations need to be included within the writing on the slides.20
Correct spelling and grammar are used throughout the project20
There will be a 10pt. penalty for each day the assignment is late. It is due Sunday, by midnight, of week 3.
There will be a 100 pt. penalty for plagiarizing. This means a 0. If in doubt, cite, cite, cite.
Last, but not least, if you have any questions, please ask.

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