Paper details: Clearly define the type and nature of the company that you would

Paper details: Clearly define the type and nature of the company that you would like to present here. Provide real life examples from industry when/ if possible.  Evidence of further free reading from peer reviewed.  Tables, figures, and illustrations whenever needed to further support your answer, and make it more clear, strong, and appealing. Try as far as possible to produce your own-created illustrations to express your ideas rather than copying from the internet. If you produce any graphics, figures, or table by your own merit, then indicate that in the caption such as (Source of table: This writer), otherwise give full referencing to any items that you reproduce from other sources or from the literature.  Limited introductions and conclusions paragraphs.  List of references in APA at end of document.
Requirements: 1800 words; 1.5 line spacing

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