Overview: Effective leadership is a key factor related to organizational success

Effective leadership is a key factor related to organizational success. Considerable research has been undertaken to identify traits, characteristics, and behaviors of effective leaders. This writing assignment gives you an opportunity to read a short leadership case in the course textbook and respond to several application related questions. Requirements of the assignment are as follows:
Read the Amalgamated Products Leadership Min-Case located on Page 74-75 of the course textbook and answer the following questions related to the case.
1. Compare the leadership traits and behaviors of Ben Jaeger and Phil Jessup. In completing this comparison, browse through the different leadership styles described in the book and identify which style(s) you think most closely match the characteristics described for both Mr. Jaeger and Mr. Jessup. Include specific details, support, and justification, by listing/describing the traits of each leader that you think support the style of leadership you identified.
2. In describing each of the traits listed for each leader in question #1, indicate whether you think each trait is a strength or weakness (and why).
3. Indicate which of the two leaders you think is more effective and why. Your response to this question may build on points made in your response to question #1. In justifying your response, specifically address how you think each of the two approaches to leadership impacted the culture of the organization, as well as employee motivation.
4. For this last question, assume (hypothetically) that you are Mr. Jessup’s supervisor/leader. Outline three specific suggestions you would make to Mr. Jessup with regard to being an effective leader for this organization moving forward. Please justify/support your response.
**Important Note: Your paper should reflect original thought and not simply restate content from the textbook or other sources. In addition, responses should be fully justified and supported with specific details, as well as outside references/support.
Format Requirements for the writing assignment:
The assignment should be double-spaced, using 12-point, Times New Roman font in MS Word.
The assignment should be between 1200-1500 words (5-7 pages).
No title-page should be included.
The assignment should include a minimum of five (5) outside references from scholarly, peer-reviewed articles from academic journals. The textbook may also be used (minimally) as an additional source for the writing assignment (i.e., no more than 3 times), but the textbook does not count as one of the five required scholarly/academic journal articles.
Paper should include an appropriate introduction, conclusion and appropriate use of headings/subheadings.
The paper, including references, should follow APA format.

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