Our thinking patterns, behaviors, and actions stem from our cumulative life expe

Our thinking patterns, behaviors, and actions stem from our cumulative life experiences. Critical reflections help us with revealing and analyzing our deep responses to events and people. For this assignment, you will
Identify and reflect a specific cross-cultural experience (event/activity/observation)
Analyze and interpret this experience from your own personal lens as well as theoretical perspective(s) of your choice, such as those discussed in your textbooks. The goal is to identify your norms, values and believes and their current and future value.
Plan actions that you want/need to take for becoming a more inclusive and interculturally competent leader. For instance, what could and would you do differently in that specific experience? Why is it important to think/behave/act differently?
A good critical reflective essay explores the significance of events (the ‘why’ and ‘how’) through analysis, interpretation and reasoning into your thinking/ behaviors/ actions. To sum up, critical reflection essay “briefly” describes an experience, addresses the learning outcomes, and proposes future actions for better outcomes.
This is a critical self-reflection paper and you should use first-person singular references (I/me/mine). Include at least three (3) scholarly/peer-reviewed references that are 5 years old or newer. Please adhere to APA Style 7th Edition guidelines (properly cited sources, using appropriate headings/sub-headings, and containing all the required sections).
View the grading rubric under “My Grades & Feedback.” A summary is shown below:
Grading Rubric:
Clear definition of an experience (event/activity/observation), in-depth analysis and interpretation of this experience from personal and theoretical perspective(s), proposal of specific actions to become a more inclusive and interculturally competent administrator: 70%
Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation: 15%
APA compliance: 15%

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