Our project is producing renewable diesel and jet fuel from vegetable oil (see t

Our project is producing renewable diesel and jet fuel from vegetable oil (see this link to have better understanding of the product and process and how it is different than biodiesel: https://www.exxonmobilchemical.com/en/catalysts-and-technology-licensing/emrd ).
Our pilot plant is required to produce 200 barrels of jet fuel daily(see the brief attached) which we estimated is equivalent to 32740 Liters daily which is equivalent approx to 25500 kg daily and from this information I need you to plan how the process will be built and operate over a period of time to start estimating amount of profit and decommissioning by looking into similar size production out there. This should look into how long it’ll take for the process to be built and what can be done within that period.
This is the headline and what you should cover in this research,
Plant and Process Lifetime :
# Procurement
# Construction
# Commissioning
See also the updated PFD attached for better understanding of the equipment and the construction, procurement needed.
I don’t really know what information you need to work with so please ask me anything to provide you with the info you need. Avoid plagiarism and use Vancouver referencing. This writer worked in this project before so he is preferred (Writer : [301281])
Comments from Customer
Please use this source where you can : (Coulson Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Vol.6 Chemical Engineering Design 4th Edition.pdf ( PDFDrive ).pdf)
I will upload it for you because I been told that this source is very good to find a lot of information about similar size production and how long does it take for construction .

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