Only 3-4 sentences each response please and use the links to answer each questio

Only 3-4 sentences each response please and use the links to answer each question.
1. (Readings) According to “The Three Types of Stress,” and “Top College Stressors That Affect Academic Performance:” (a) Identify and explain the three different kinds of stress. (b) Describe the top five college stressors. (c) What are some stressors in your life. Be specific.
2. (Reading) The article “25 Surprising Ways Stress Affects Your Health”–0 explains how stress affects your body. Explain in detail at least three ways that stress affects the body.
3. (Video) The video “How Stress Affects Your Body” explains how stress harms your body. Explain at in detail at least three ways that stress affects the body.
4. (Video) According to the video “90:10 The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Stress?” (a) What is the single most important thing you can do for your stress (b) Share at least seven stress management techniques discussed in the video that you can try in your life to manage stress. (c) Explain the “90-10 Rule.” (d) Do you agree or disagree with the message of this video? Why or why not?
5. (Video) After performing the “5 Minute Stress Relief Guided Meditation” answer the following: a) Have you ever participated in meditation before? b) How did you feel after performing this meditation?
6. (Readings) According to “Definition of Chronic Disease” and “Chronic Disease Prevention” a) Define chronic diseases. (b) Describe several examples of chronic diseases. (c) Discuss at least 5 personal lifestyle strategies discussed to reduce your risk of getting a chronic disease?
7. (Reading) Based on “Top Strategies to Keep Your Heart Working Right”: (a) Describe at least five strategies you can do in your life to keep your heart working right.
8. (Reading) Based on “Improve Your Health With 4 Powerful Mind-Body Exercises:” (a) Describe four powerful Mind-Body Exercises to improve your health discussed (b) Which activity discussed in the article could you incorporate into your lifestyle to improve your health? (c) Research this activity and share a helpful link about how to practice this mind-body exercise. (d) Practice the activity at least once and discuss how it worked for you.

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