One of the goals of this course is to increase your knowledge and understanding

One of the goals of this course is to increase your knowledge and understanding of the world around you regarding social issues that impact all of us in different ways and ensuring that you have the skills to serve and contribute to the well-being of local and global communities and the environment. We looked at some creative responses from individuals to address these complex issues: social business, fair trade, microfinance, etc. In this essay, please reflect on what you learned about social issues such as hunger, equality, access to resources, poverty, and gender bias. 1. What specifically did you learn about the social issues covered that you didn’t know before taking this course? 2. How does that knowledge impact your own world view? Give examples. 3. How might your knowledge of social programs empower you to contribute to the well-being of others? (buying fair trade products? Supporting a social business? Volunteering at a local food bank? Other ways you might think of?)

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