One four-page paper will require all students to review a single theatrical, mus

One four-page paper will require all students to review a single theatrical, music, or dance performance during the course of the semester – past experiences will not be accepted. You may write about a virtual experience not one physically attended.
If you are in doubt as to whether an event is appropriate, ask your instructor BEFORE you select it – NO LATER THAN MIDTERM.
NOTE: Visual artworks are not appropriate for this class and will not be accepted.
The key elements to critical thinking expected from this written assignment include:
use of careful, precise language to describe the performance;
an integration of descriiptive and analytical statements about the performance that steer the reader;
the demonstration of an awareness of the elements, principles, and art medium in use;
clear reasoning about interpretations drawn from the process of active engagement;
use of interpretive approaches of the humanities to move the argument forward.
For this paper, you are asked to carefully document your experience and write a prolonged analysis of a single performance. Strong papers will blend personal response and reflection with critical analysis. Review the Organizing an Essay file before you begin writing.
Written Essay
A four-page paper asks you to both evaluate an art experience and describe your feelings in response to it. Essays should follow proper formatting including a clear introduction with a stated thesis, an appropriate flow around that central thesis, and a well-structured conclusion.
Because this assignment asks you to consider how the arts synthesize to create meaning – that is, how do the visual, musical, spatial, and figural (bodies of the performers) elements come together to communicate and create meaning – students may not write about visual artworks.
Papers must address the following:
A general introduction of the selected performance with a clear statement of your thesis. This should be about one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.
A descriiption of the art event you have chosen. This should be about one page in length.
Your descriiption should discuss the entire production.
Here, you should clearly describe how the visual (costumes, sets, special effects), musical (including non-music sound), spatial (use of the performance space or stage), and physical (how the performers use their bodies) elements come together to make meaning and communicate feelings or emotions.
An identification of three noteworthy features about the performance with an explanation of why these details were noteworthy. These features should offer support for your thesis or argument and continue as a proper essay. This should be about one page in length.
How did you respond to the work or performance? This is an affective response to the emotions or feelings brought on by the work. Do you think your particular response was the goal of the artist, choreographer, conductor, or performer? Specifically, what about the work triggered that response? This should be about one page in length.
Offer a brief evaluation of your chosen work or performance. Be sure to explain your reasoning. Comparisons to other similar experiences might be helpful but are not necessary. Here, you should be thinking about your expectations and whether or not you think the performance was successful in its goals. This should be about one page in length.
All students are required to submit proof of their experience in the form of a photograph or screen shot. This should be embedded into the paper. Failure to do so will result in the loss of one letter grade (10 points).
Any student found plagiarizing or colluding will receive a zero grade for this assignment.
Your paper should be 1250 words, or 5 pages, in length.
Use 11.5 or 12-point font, preferably Times.
Double space your text and use 1” margins.
No cover page is necessary and a reproduction of the work need not be included.
Proofread your paper before submission.
Papers should be uploaded to Turnitin as Word .doc or .docx files. Any issues with Canvas should be reported to the HCC Live Help Desk, not your instructor.
Students are encouraged to submit their work before the deadline in case there are any problems. Last minute computer/Canvas/etc. issues are not excuse for late assignments. Late papers will not be accepted.
Your paper must be your own work, plagiarism or collusion will result in a failing grade for the assignment and possibly the course.
Clear and meaningful writing about art takes a great deal of time and patience: try writing drafts. You may seek the services of the HCC Academic Success Center (located in the Learning Resource Center Building) to develop ideas and to strategize an approach. See their website: to an external site.
Unit Projects (Scene Analysis and Art Experience Paper, 40% total)
Two Unit Projects will require students to think critically about the creative process by viewing an example of International cinema, or watching a theatre, dance, or music performance. Students will write about their experiences. More detailed information about each assignment will be posted to Canvas.
All students are required to submit proof of their experience in the form of a photograph or screen shot.
( I need to do an online international cinema, that shows proof via photograph or screenshot)
Unit Project: Art Experience Paper 20%

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