Note: Specific instructions on assignment are given below, please follow instruc

Specific instructions on assignment are given below, please follow instructions given. I am apart of a group research project and was tasked with specific sections of the project. You are to create a 10 slide powerpoint with detailed information outlined in the instructions below. You can also include pictures. Please include a reference page (on slide 11) with links to where your information was cited.
Organization of choice: Tao Hospitality Group
Please use organization given (Tao Hospitality Group) and analyze the U.S and international operations and processes related to its nonhuman and human resources. You are expected to act as consultants to the top management team of this organization.
For the successful completion of the project, you need to recognize and analyze this market’s current situation (macro- and micro- environments). Having collected the sufficient information regarding this market, you are expected to provide an assessment and make specific recommendations regarding prospective organizational policies and initiatives.
Based on your research, you are expected to prepare a power point presentation (~10 slides) that should include most of the information outlined in the example below. Emphasis should be laid on your recommendations for this business’s future.
PowerPoint must include informational points below:
– Structure of the company in the examined market
– International strategic management (e.g. corporate strategy, competitive strategy, multidomestic vs global strategy)
– International operations (production, accounting, finance, marketing, risk management etc.)
– International decision making and control policies
– International Process strategy & analysis.

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