My first draft was rated very bad and I want to re-do a new one. I have uploaded

My first draft was rated very bad and I want to re-do a new one. I have uploaded with the marker’s feedback, please check thank you very much.
I am a Registered Nurse working in a medical and surgical mixed ward in a Hospital in Hong Kong.
Here is my essay info:
Essay title “A reflective, critical exploration of my learning about facilitating workplace learning, including reflection on a facilitation session and feedback received”
The 3000-word portfolio requires these elements, written to academic level 6, to pass:
1. 2,500-word reflective essay
2. a 500-word facilitation plan
3. feedback on your facilitation skills
4. A complete reference list
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To summarise:
What might the portfolio look like? ONE document containing the following essential items:
• A ‘contents page’ for the portfolio may help the reader to navigate different sections.
• Utilising a published reflective framework, a 2,500 word structured reflection on your learning from studying the content of the module (please do not simply list the topics we have covered, but select those that helped you to plan and deliver the facilitation plan & understanding adult learning in the workplace). Locate relevant theory and research to support the ideas you have applied when planning and delivering the facilitation session. Begin to compare & contrast what different authors (from theory and/or research) have found in relation to the topic (relating to facilitation, for example adult learning, learner’s preferred learning styles, processes of assessment, facilitation methods etc.) you are discussing. Begin to critique the quality of the research you are using to support your thinking and practice. Ensure that you reflect on any items you have included in the appendix, again using relevant literature to support your reflection. This reflection must also include your learning from the feedback you have obtained whilst delivering the one hour facilitation session.
• a 500 word facilitation plan, using a proforma to structure your session. There are 5 available in under the ‘Assessment’ tab, but you may select an alternative, published proforma. PLEASE note, the proforma (the words used to provide you with structure, for example. ‘the learning objectives’) will not count towards the 500 words.
• Appendices
1. You must include feedback about your ability to facilitate learning, from someone who has been present during your delivery of the one hour facilitation session. This may be a member of the clinical care team, or it may be the learner you are supporting to learn (see earlier notes on this). You are required to structure this using a feedback proforma – see examples under the ‘Assessment’ tab. You must reflect on this feedback in the 2500 reflection to meet the module learning outcomes. Failure to do this will result in a resit grade.
Optional Items:
• A personal profile section of your learning needs against the module learning outcomes This section will highlight your strengths and areas for development, related to the 8 learning outcomes of the module
• The depth and range of your ability as a teacher/facilitator re supporting learners in clinical practice
• Your experience of understanding the learners’ perspective of learning in clinical practice.
Any items in the appendices will not count towards the word limit, but MUST be reflected on, & therefore written about in the essay.
Reflective frameworks such as Gibbs (1988), Kolb (1984) Rolf et al (2001) are appropriate.
This web page from The University of Hull gives a good explanation of a variety of reflective frameworks or models.
Reflective Writing: Reflective Frameworks (2022) The University of Hull
Ensure that you continue to apply the principles of the The Nursing Council of Hong Kong (2010) and the Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct for Nurses in Hong Kong (2015) therein to your practice and work whilst completing this module. In terms of the assignment, this ensures that you practice within your scope of ability and knowledge, and accept as your responsibility to legitimately seek and reflect on feedback from someone involved in your one hour facilitation session. This will help you acquire the skills in practice required for effective workplace learning.

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