MUST be five pages in length, NOT including the Works Cited page You must proper

MUST be five pages in length, NOT including the Works Cited page
You must properly use at least two in-text quotations from your resources
MUST include at least THREE resources (ONE MUST be the textbook, one MUST be an academic or peer-reviewed journal article, and another may be from a college website)
These resources should be properly formatted and listed on your Works Cited page.
You may not use first narrative (any instance of “I”, “me”, “my”, etc.). Your essay MUST be third-person narrative
One resource must be an academic article (from a peer-reviewed journal). These can be found online through the Barstow Community College Library list of databases (Links to an external site).
It must contain a proper introduction with thesis statement, body paragraph, and concluding paragraph
Must adhere to proper grammar conventions. TIP: tone should be professional and academic, avoiding such everyday phrases as “nowadays” or “at the end of the day”. Do not begin sentences with “but.”.
Wikipedia may not be a source for any college essay.
Note: Wikipedia is sometimes a great place to begin learning about your topics, but it should never be used for your college work.
Choose a stanza or two from Lao-Tzu’s “Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching” and explain how they relate to one of the following concerns:
the Sage
Next: Read through Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter From the Birmingham Jail.”
Assignment: Compare and Contrast the writing of Lao-tzu and King Jr. Consider similarities in tone, delivery, and mechanics (poetic form, unique and creative phrasing). How do the backgrounds of each writer inform their rhetoric and presentation? How do their respective beliefs set them apart or expose similarities?

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