Mr. Thompson is a 47 year old male of Native American decent. Although overweigh

Mr. Thompson is a 47 year old male of Native American decent. Although overweight and decidedly “apple shaped,” Mr. Thompson is in overall good health. He is 71 inches tall and weighs 226 pounds, waist- 40 inches. His health complaints include joint pain, brain fog, and male pattern baldness. His family history reveals his father passed away at age 57 from a massive stroke, he has one brother that has had a heart attack at age 51, and another that died from a stroke at age 54. Mr. Thompson is very concerned about his cardiovascular health and does not want to succumb to the same fates as the other men in his family. His labs show high cholesterol, high blood sugar (though not diabetic level), and elevated inflammatory markers. His blood pressure is slightly elevated (142/88) and he has a mild heart murmur. He does not exercise regularly and eats a standard American diet- he cannot recall the last time he ate fresh fruit and his only vegetable intake is potatoes. How can Mr. Thompson turn around his health challenges? What supplements can Mr. Thompson take to get better?

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