Let’s review the structure of an argument as you work on your essay revisions th

Let’s review the structure of an argument as you work on your essay revisions this week. So you can properly evaluate an argument, you need to understand an argument.
Happy Reading!😀
Prof. L
Step 1 Read/View Both Selections
Link to Owl Lecture on ArgumentLinks to an external site.
Please watch this video on argumentLinks to an external site..
Step 2 Complete this Activity
Write a one-paragraph argument in which you take a position on the topic of whether a college education is a good investment. Fill out the template below:
Whether or not a college education is worth the money is a controversial topic. Some people believe
that _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Others challenge this position, claiming that ___________________________________________________________
However, ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Although both sides of this issue have merit, it seems clear that a college education (is/is not) a worthwhile
investment because __________________________________________________________________________________
Then answer these questions about your paragraph:
Does your essay include all four elements of an argumentative essay?
Add any missing elements.
What is the thesis?
What is your evidence?
What is your refutation/opposing arguments?
What is your conclusion?
Step 3 Save and submit your assignment.
Submitting Your Assignment
Please complete the assignment as a Word document.
Click the +Submit Assignment link located in the right-hand column of the course window.
Click the Choose File
Navigate to your document and select it.
Click the Submit Assignment

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