Learning Outcomes: Knowledge: 1.3 Explain the forces driving and evaluating th

Learning Outcomes:
1.3 Explain the forces driving and evaluating the impact of globalization:
2.1 Analyse the effects of culture, politics, and economic systems in the context of international business
2.2 Identify the major components of international business management:
3.1 Carry out effective self-evaluation through discussing economic systems in the international business context

Report Writing
In this assignment, you will conduct an in-depth analysis of a selected multinational company (MCN) that operates in two distinct countries. Your aim is to investigate how the selected MCN deals with the challenges and opportunities it is facing due to cultural, political, and economic differences of the two countries. To complete this assignment, follow the tasks highlighted below:
Country Selection: Choose two countries with different political and economic systems. Perform a comparative analysis of the political and economic systems of your selected countries, drawing on Chapter 2 (“National differences in political economy”).
Company Selection: Research a specific multinational corporation (MNC) that has done business in both countries you selected. Briefly introduce the company, its industry, and its operations in these countries. The use of American companies is not recommended and will receive significantly lower marks.
Cultural Impact: Examine how your selected MNC has adopted and dealt with the differences in cultural norms, and consumers’ taste and preferences. Provide examples showcasing this adaption. Use chapter 4 (Differences in Culture) as a guide in this section.
Political Economy: Evaluate how the differences in political and economic systems between the two countries affect the MNC’s business strategies and operations. Provide examples of how the MNC has adapted to these differences.
References: Your paper must include at least five (5) external sources such as academic papers, reputable business databases, company websites, or government websites.

Important Notes:
This is an individual assignment.
The paper should be between 1,500-2,000 words.
All references must be cited using APA format. This includes both in-text citations and the reference list at the end of the document.
Originality, Similarity and Plagiarism Check: Your work must be original. All papers will be submitted through SafeAssign software to check for similarity and plagiarism. Any instance of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. No exceptions and no second chances!



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