Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics question and need guidance to hel

Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics question and need guidance to help me learn.
from the uploaded file, I only need question B and C. I have finished the rest and I have the data.
Sentiment Analysis for a Data file I will provide, using Tableau for data visualization.
B. Please provide two (2) insights based on descriptive analyses using Tableau. (40 pts)
*You must have visuals to support your analysis and interpretation.
C. What are the sentiments in the tweets? What is your interpretation? (30 pts)
*You must have visuals to support your analysis and interpretation.
here is the data file, it needs to remove unnecessary columns (keep the sentiments analysis column)
and open it in Tableau and do two visualization drawings and explain them. Read B and C Please in the Guide! thanks

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