Journal Prompt #9 –What factors caused the author to pursue studies of attitudes

Journal Prompt #9 –What factors caused the author to pursue studies of attitudes of White people concerning the growing diversity of the population in the U.S.? Are you surprised by the change in course – from focusing on impacting policy to exploring hearts and minds.
Journal Prompt #10 – reflect upon specific historical material learned from Chapters 1-2 in The Sum of Us and reflect on it in relation to your life and experience in the present. Be specific both with the information referenced in the chapters and how you understand its influence in the present moment.
Journal Prompt #11 – reflect upon specific historical material learned from chapters 3-4 of The Sum of Us and reflect on it in relation to your life and experience in the present. Be specific both with the historical reference and how you understand its influence in the present moment.
Journal Prompt #12 – reflect upon specific historical material learned from chapters 4-5 of The Sum of Us and reflect on it in relation to your life and experience in the present. Be specific both with the historical reference and how you understand its influence in the present moment.
Journal Prompt #13 – reflect upon specific historical material learned from chapters 5-7 of The Sum of Us and reflect on it in relation to your life and experience in the present. Be specific both with the historical reference and how you understand its influence in the present moment.
Journal Prompt #14 – reflect upon specific historical material learned from chapters 8-10 of The Sum of Us and reflect on it in relation to your life and experience in the present. Be specific both with the historical reference and how you understand its influence in the present moment.
Each journal entry should:
reference specific historical material covered in class
and/or concrete reference to class discussion content; and
discuss how the material you reference:
makes you feel
is connected to what you experience/observe today; and
how might the material noted in #1 (history/content)
be a guide for change and help us be more just people?
Book: The Sum of Us

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