Journal entries should be approximately one page, double-spaced. No patient or c

Journal entries should be approximately one page, double-spaced.
No patient or client medical information should be included. Journal entries must be HIPAA compliant.The journal is meant only to discuss clinical experiences generally, and no individual client information, even if de-identified, should be shared.
Journal entries must be the student’s original thoughts and evaluation of their clinical experiences.
The entry is a means by which to communicate concerns, questions, areas requiring clarity, general feelings about the experience to faculty.
The source of any referenced information must be cited appropriately.
Appropriate timelines for submitting journal entries will vary based on individual clinical schedules, and there are not specific due dates for journal entries. It is important, however, to space out entries during the semester.
1. Journal Entry Prompt #1: Volunteer Health Clinic is the clinical agency we have been assigned to in Austin, TX.
After being assigned to the clinical agency for the Community Health Project, consider the role of the community health nurse in this particular setting. What is the mission of the organization and how is it involved in community health in central Texas? What are some of the primary roles of the professional nurse in this setting?
2. Journal Entry Prompt #2-
There are major differences in the roles of registered nurses in the community setting and in the acute care hospital setting. Discuss the similarities and differences between these two care settings for nurses.
3. Journal Entry Prompt #3- We worked with the Red Angels in Austin, Tx as well as help with the Medical tent in ACL.
After participating in a community clinical activity, discuss what you view to be the most important priorities to improve the health of our community? If you were given the assignment to develop programs and priorities for public health in central Texas, what areas would you focus on? *Please do not share any patient information/ experiences in posts*
4. Journal Entry Prompt #4: The project was to develop a guideline checklist for volunteer nurses to follow if during triage someone presented with hypertension, and provide information and resources for hypertension and educate the patient on the importance of following up for this.
Based on your work this semester on the Community Clinical Project and in virtual clinical experiences, what do you think are majorchallenges facing community health organizations? How can organizations working in community health meet these challenges?

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