Integrative Project #3 – Church Mobilization Strategy Integrative Project – Acad

Integrative Project #3 – Church Mobilization Strategy
Integrative Project – Academic Function – Version 2.0
Purpose of Project Three: Church Mobilization Strategy
The Integrative Project is the capstone assignment for certificate and credit students. Your
goal is to develop a cross-cultural ministry strategy based on the Perspectives course’s
themes and focused on unreached peoples. Select a people group with a presence in your
community. In the future, you can apply this strategy to other people groups.
1. Individual or Team Projects
You may do this project yourself or with others. Teams will share the work and also
share the grade. The resulting papers will be longer and should show more depth of
research and application. Follow these guidelines:
● Team size: maximum of three
● Team make-up: all certificate, all undergrad, or all graduate students
2. Project Length
● Certificate students: Individuals write a minimum of 5 pages (7 pages for a
team of two, 9 pages for a team of three).
● Undergrad credit students: Individuals write a minimum of 10 pages (13
pages for a team of two, 16 pages for a team of three).
● Graduate credit students: Individuals write a minimum of 15 pages (19 pages
for a team of two, 23 pages for a team of three).
● Pages per section: Note the page length specified for each section of the
project plus additional information in “Project Requirements for Credit
3. Writing Guidelines
● Grading criteria: Refer to the “Integrative Project Grading Guide” at the end of
this document.
● Format: Create the document in 11-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch
● Research and citations: See Web Resources and Citation Guide.
As you develop this project, keep these points in mind:
● Make steady progress. Choose your topic early and begin your work soon. Here is a
suggested timeline:
○ If you choose to work with others, form your team by Lesson 7.
○ By Lesson 7, submit your Integrative Project Topic.
○ Begin your research by Lesson 9.
○ Begin writing your paper by Lesson 13.
● Suggest specific strategies rather than general ideas. For example, instead of
writing, “We will build bridges of love,” say, “We will address the need for clean water
in order to build a bridge of love to this people group.”
● NOTE: Don’t be critical of your church or cast yourself as the expert. Your purpose
should be to encourage and inform others, not confront them. Build bridges for
ministry, don’t burn them! If you can’t obtain the leadership’s full permission, you
should select another project.
● Make this more than an assignment. Although your work will only scratch the
surface of your topic, it will be significant for you and can motivate others. Find ways
to personally apply what you have learned.
Project Requirements
The purpose of this project is to apply the major themes of Perspectives to an outreach
strategy for an unreached people group through your church. When possible, select a
people group with a local presence. This project could help take your church to a new level of
engagement with people far from God.
Requirements per Section for Everyone
Certificate students should follow the minimum page length for each section. Be specific in
your answers to questions (see items in parentheses). Credit students should also note the
next page, “Project Requirements For Credit Students.”
1. Evaluate your Church’s Potential (Certificate: 1 page)
a. Gather responses to these questions (orally or in writing) from each person in your
church’s missions leadership.
i. What are the greatest needs in your cross-cultural ministry? Name one or two.
ii. What are the primary criteria used to select cross-cultural partners and projects?
iii. What ministries to unreached people groups do you have now or are considering for
the future?
iv. What obstacles or challenges might you face in working with unreached peoples?
b. Based on the input above and any additional information and observations, evaluate your
church’s potential for ministry to the unreached.
2. Research your People Group (Certificate: 2 pages)
Locate the following information about the unreached people group you have chosen. (See
the Integrative Project Web Resources for help.) If your outreach is local as well as global,
answer each question for both locations.
a. Who is the people group? Describe their population, language, and location.
b. What is their basic culture and way of life?
c. What is their basic religion, and how do they practice it?
d. What media resources for evangelism exist in their language?
3. Form a Strategy (Certificate: 2 pages)
a. Make specific suggestions for the ministry of your church to this people group. Include
such aspects as first steps, initial contacts, felt needs, information needs, and supporting
To encourage discussion, share this paper with your church missions leadership.
Finding Information
Here are useful sources for ministry information.
● Search the internet and library for information on this type of ministry.
● Contact individuals or organizations involved in this ministry.
● For people group information, refer to Integrative Project Web Resources.
Project Requirements for Credit Students
1. Paper Requirements
● Paper Length:
○ Undergrad credit: Minimum 10 pages (13 pages for a team of two;
16 pages for a team of three)
○ Graduate credit: Minimum 15 pages (19 pages for a team of two;
23 pages for a team of three)
● Paper Format:
○ Write this as a research paper in paragraph form, not as a series of
questions and answers.
○ Use multiple outside sources. Undergrads should use at least five
sources, and graduate students at least seven. Include a
bibliography (see Citation Guide).
2. Additional Questions and Section Lengths
Credit students will have longer page requirements for each of the 5 sections than
certificate students (see below). They should address all the topics listed below in
addition to the certificate-level questions on the previous page.
1. Evaluate your Church’s Potential (Undergrad: 2 pages / Graduate: 3 pages)
a. Evaluate the strategic planning behind the church’s overall mission efforts and partnerships.
2. Research your People Group (Undergrad: 4 pages / Graduate: 6 pages)
a. What is their current exposure to Christianity and their reaction to it?
3. Form a Strategy (Undergrad: 4 pages / Graduate: 6 pages)
a. Indicate additional challenges and strategies that may arise in the next three to five years.
Integrative Project Grading Guide – Project Three
This Grading Guide provides both student and grader with criteria for how the project will
be evaluated.
Credit Certificate Point to Cover: Criteria for Score
Max 60 Max 40 1. Evaluate your Church’s Potential (Certificate: 1 page / Undergrad: 2 pages / Grad: 3
a. i-iv. Survey of church mission leaders completed and summarized well
b. Evaluation of potential, including specific quotes or other information
c. Credit: evaluation of overall strategy behind efforts and partnerships, with
specific facts or examples
Max 70 Max 40 2. Research your people group (C: 2 / U: 4 / G: 6)
a. i. Description of people, population, language, location globally and locally
ii. Culture and way of life summarized well
iii. Religion and practice summarized well
iv. Media resources in this language identified
b. Credit: Exposure and response to Christianity explained with specifics
Max 70 Max 45 3. Form a strategy (C: 2 / U: 4 / G: 6)
a. Specific strategies and first steps explained
b. Credit: Specific additional challenges and strategies in the years ahead
Potential Subtractions
Up to 4 pts – Distracting mechanics: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
Up to 8 pts – Weakness in composition, persuasiveness, sentence structure, etc.
Up to 10 pts – Paper and section length
Up to 6 pts – Credit: Inadequate bibliography, footnotes, citations Max 200 Max 125

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