Instructions This practice quiz is to help you familiarize yourself with the for

This practice quiz is to help you familiarize yourself with the format of our Midterm. There is a separate document with Midterm Practice Problems Download Midterm Practice Problems.
You will see one question at a time and cannot go back to a previous question.
You will need the following:
A blank sheet of paper on which you will record your work. Note: you only need to record your work if you see the following note on the question: Show your calculations for full credit. – On your sheet of paper write the letter [X] next to this work. The [X] will be replaced with a different letter for each question. The letters may not be in order, which is fine- just record the letter that is stated in the problem.
If you do not show your work when requested, then you will not receive full credit even if the answer is correct.
A calculator.
A scratch sheet of paper for measuring map scale with a graphic scale.

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