Instructions: Step 1: Download the Blank-Weekly-Calendar.docx Actions. If you ha

Step 1: Download the Blank-Weekly-Calendar.docx
Actions. If you have difficulties please let me know.Step 2: Write/type into the appropriate day and time your responsibilities. Please be sure to include the following in your calendar:
Commute/transportation time
Studying/completing homework
Food/eating/food preparation
Work (if applicable)
anything else that is important to you (examples include but are not limited to: church, family time, book club, etc)
Be sure to reference the 9 Quick Tips for Students Struggling with Time Management Links to an external site.article and the Powerful Lesson on Time Management Links to an external as needed.
Step 3: Submit your completed weekly calendar (see directions below).
Submission and Grading:
To earn complete credit on this assignment, you must:
Post a completed weekly calendar that includes the following 5: sleep, commute/transportation times, classes, studying/completing homework, and food/food preparation.
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