Instructions Select an industry that you are familiar with and create a presenta

Select an industry that you are familiar with and create a presentation that describes the 10 categories of innovation as defined by Keely. Include a discussion of each category and its potential implications for this industry. Based on your knowledge of the business or industry, select two categories of innovation that should be pursued most vigorously. Include a justification for this recommendation.
Submit a PowerPoint presentation containing your assignment and the following requirements:
A title slide with the name of the assignment, your name, the course code and name, and your instructor’s name.
Description of the business or industry that you are focusing on
One slide per innovation category with the definition of the category and a discussion of the implication to this business or industry
Identification of two categories that this business or industry should focus on
Justification for the selection of these categories
Next steps that should be taken by the business or industry as a whole to address these innovation categories
The slide background must NOT be a dark saturated color (e.g. black or navy blue)
A reference slide that lists the sources you relied on to create this presentation. You should include a minimum of two (2) references.
Your presentation must have a professional appearance.

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