Instructions For the creative project, you can choose from the different genres

For the creative project, you can choose from the different genres below. Your social/environmental issue and your stance must be clear. The only thing I ask is that you CREATE SOMETHING. Simply taking an image or video off of Google will NOT suffice. There are lots of examples on Canvas to help you. Once done, you will submit your final project to Canvas Week 12.
Choose one of the options listed below.
Create your own piece of visual art that advances an environmental or social justice cause.
As we have been discussing, storytelling can have a great impact on moving our society to action. Write a fictional story that describes characters who are dealing with a current social issue with the purpose of educating your audience about the issue and the real impact on people’s lives (at least 3 pages in MLA format).
You could write and illustrate a children’s book or comic strips (a minimum of 10-12 scenes) about a social issue.
You could write an extended poem, read it out loud, and record it to present to the class. (Be sure to also provide the poem in written form)
Write and perform your own original song about a climate change or a social issue. (Be sure to provide the song lyrics)
Create a web page with pictures and relevant information about a climate change or a social issue.
Make a video related to an environmental or social issue (5-6 minutes).
You can use any of these forms, but just make sure that you are able to explain in written form (for Part 2) how it pertains to a social or environmental issue and could create change in your community.
This assignment will be submitted via a Padlet format.
I’m looking forward to reading, viewing, and/or listening to your creative projects!
Please view the student sample projects on this Canvas page.
Grading Criteria and Rubric
This assignment is worth 50 points. The associated rubric will be used to provide feedback–please be sure to review the rubric before starting AND before submitting your assignment.
***Late Work Policy: I do understand that life happens, and there might be a time when you can’t submit your assignment by the due date. As a result, I accept assignments up to three days (72 hours) late without penalty.
Submitting Your Assignment
Below is a Padlet. Click on the PLUS (+) sign on the bottom right hand corner.
Type in your name as “The Title.”
Under “Write Something,” write a brief description of your project.
Upload your creative project.
Comment to 2 of your classmates. (Be sure to include your name at the end of your comment so I know you have replied.)

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