Instructions: Foodways are an important topic in archaeology. Culture-historians

Foodways are an important topic in archaeology. Culture-historians see food as a way different cultures express their identity (for instance kosher habits among Jewish populations or New York style pizza vs. deep dish). Processualists look at subsistence strategies as a means of adaptational survival (e.g. exploiting new foods when climates change). Postprocessualists consider foodways as a tool for social and economic expression (e.g. eating wagyu beef to communicate wealth).
For this assignment, you will look at your own foodways. Beginning on November 7th, you will need to start keeping a food journal. You should keep this for 1 week (November 14th)). If you are late in starting, start when you can, but make sure you have sufficient time to keep track of at least 7 days.
Entries in your journal should include the basic ingredients for your food (e.g. Turkey sandwich – bread, turkey, mayonnaise, tomato, lettuce, NO PORK). You do not need to break down all of the ingredients found on the label – today’s food includes a lot of chemical ingredients that we don’t need for the scope of this assignment (but look at these and be surprised what we eat).
Once you have completed your food diary, you will categorize and summarize your food habits over the week. You will then use this to answer 5 questions about your food habits as an archaeologist.

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