Instructions Define conflict and explain why it exists – addressing the causes o

Define conflict and explain why it exists – addressing the causes of conflict and multiple aspects of diversity. Title this section Conflict in Diverse Workforces.
Evaluate your own behaviors and mindsets toward diversity and inclusion in the workplace based on the Inclusive Leadership Continuum. Title this section Diversity and Inclusion.
Apply an appropriate conflict analysis model (from The Conflict Resolution Toolbox).Identify a conflict in the case study (from The Conflict Resolution Toolbox: Chapter 3 – The Conflict Story: A Case Study). Title this section Case Study Conflict.
Choose an appropriate conflict resolution model (from The Conflict Resolution Toolbox: Chapters 4–12) and explain why it is appropriate for diagnosing the conflict you identified. Title this section Conflict Resolution Model.
Assess one process used to resolve conflict and explain its outcomes. Title this section Process and Outcomes.
Provide the strategic direction of the model. Title this section Conflict Analysis Results.
Include at least four references from material outside the textbook to support your explanations.
Note: There is no required page length, but a minimum of five pages is recommended. You should focus on being concise, thorough, and logical while providing credible, relevant sources. Keep in mind the Master of Public Administration Library Guide for a list of databases focused on Public Administration and for guidance on library research in general.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Evaluate strategies to resolve conflicts in diverse environments.

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