Instructions Background For this assignment, you will continue collaborating as

For this assignment, you will continue collaborating as a team on your International Business Project report.
Develop the market entry strategy to complete the third segment of your report. Make sure to include a cover page and explain the marketing aspects within the body of your report using the outline provided. Cover Page
Course No/Title
Team Number and Designated Team Leader
Team member names, NU ID numbers.
Body of the Report: Market Entry Strategy
Select one of the following options to develop your market entry strategy. Explain your chosen strategy and why this approach was optimal for your company.
Joint Venture
Merger and Acquisition
Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS)
100% acquiring
Greenfield Investment
Brownfield Investment
Format your report using APA guidelines.
Additional Support
Refer to the APA Style Tools and Resources to help format your report and references.
Use the Grammarly Citation Generator as needed.
This assignment is worth 25 points and is due on Sunday. For more specifics on how this will be graded, refer to the rubric below.

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