Instructions Algorithim will be provided, diagnosis is depression, sample draft

Algorithim will be provided, diagnosis is depression, sample draft will be given. APA format
Signature Assignment (Psychopharmacology Treatment Algorithm)
Using your learning experience from your clinical experience, preceptor input and evidence-based literature, develop a pharmacology treatment Algorithm of a patient with a DSM diagnosis. You can use your readings to change and add to your work, but it must be an original and not a copy of an algorithm from someone else. This is an algorithm developed specifically for this client to demonstrate your critical thinking throughout the treatment planning. The following areas must be covered in the assignment.
Overview of your initial patient clinical assessment including: Chief compliant, medical history, psychiatric history, psychosocial, mental status examination.
Using the information from the assessment, reading materials and textbook, develop an evidence-based algorithm for four treatment stages, tailored to this individual. The information must include interview questions needed to guide decision-making at the different stages, length of treatment in trial/initiation period, dosage titration schedule and duration of time the client should stay on the medication, factors that might influence the effectiveness of the medications, necessary labs and test, and patient education. Include pertinent side effects profiles that would warrant a change in the medication being prescribed and a brief reasoning for your decisions.
Stage 1: initial visit
Stage 2: non-responder to stage 1
Stage 3: non-responder to stage 2
Stage 4: non-responder to stage 3
It must be in an APA format not less than 5 reference.
CriteriaExceptionalPartially developed
Not Developed
Criterion Score
50 points
Student answers all points of the topic/questions Utilizes an analytical approach to provide an in-depth discussion of the topic. Provides justification or evidence to support information.
35 points
Student answers most of the topic/questions Utilizes an analytical approach to provide a less than in-depth discussion of the topic. Provides little justification or evidence to support information.
20 points
Student answers lack organization and does not answer and/or does not add value to the topic/questions. Provides no justification or evidence to support information.
0 points
Student did not answer the questions Lack organization and does not add value to the questions.
Score of grid.row1.label,
/ 50
30 points
Paragraphs make clear points that support ideas and flow logically. No grammatical error.
20 points
Paragraphs make clear points that did not support ideas and flow logically. One or two grammatical errors.
10 points
Paragraphs did not make clear points and did not support ideas and flow logically. More than three grammatical errors.
0 points
Student did not attempt to post.
Score of grid.row2.label,
/ 30
20 points
Uses at least three sources from peer-reviewed journals less than 5 years old to justify evidence of information Or Reference N/A
10 points
Uses at least two source from peer-reviewed journals less than 5 years old to justify evidence of information.
5 points
Uses at least two source from peer-reviewed journals and are greater than 5 years old to justify evidence of information.
0 points
Uses no sources to justify evidence of information. Uses sources that are peer reviewed but more than 5 years or not peer reviewed but less than 5 years.
Score of References,
/ 20

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