Instructions: 1. Choose and watch a movie or a season (select episodes) of a min

1. Choose and watch a movie or a season (select episodes) of a mini-series and view it with a critical eye. While you’re watching, take note of your choice’s strengths and weaknesses, as both an artistic effort and its underlying ideologies, stereotypes and/or representations.
2. Write a 4-5 paragraph (500-800 word) film review that does the following:
provides a brief, partial plot summary (without spoilers) and brief description of the main characters and their motives that drive story
quotes dialogue or paraphrases scenes and/or be specific about elements of the creators’ artistic vision that highlight the film’s strengths or weaknesses OR answers questions below
includes a clear opinion about whether the movie failed or succeeded in telling a strong story that left you satisfied as a viewer
refers to at least TWO concepts from ideas used in this class (see the concept review each module) with specific details from your movie choice
refers to ONE reading from this class that is relevant to your choice OR one other movie example used in class as a comparison
Ensure that following questions are also answered at some point in the review:
How did your movie disrupt or push back against stereotypes or tropes or problematic representations? How did it fail to do so?
What would have made this movie stronger in your opinion?
Paragraph 1: Craft a strong opening that gets the reader’s attention and hints at the film’s major theme and your overall opinion of the film.
Paragraph 2: Provide a plot summary, and brief description of main characters and motives or themes
Paragraph 3-5 Discuss the film’s strengths and weaknesses. Make sure your analysis includes all the assigned elements and ends with a 1-2 sentence conclusion.
3. Rate your movie: Rate your movie choice out of four stars and include this rating at the end of your review. (The explanation of your rating system should follow.)
Style: Please use complete sentences and proper paragraph structure throughout. Edit your work for clarity and correct grammar. Select your words carefully and write with college-level vocabulary. Don’t use personal pronouns. Keep the tone moderately formal. While you don’t need a formal reference page or footnotes as yet, make sure to attribute ideas within the text using signal phrases such as, “According to …” etc.
NOTE: Watch or read the storyline of the Bollywood movie DHRISHYAM. Please DON’T use any AI tool for writing. As it is a college-level project DON’T use high-level terms or vocabularies. Please read the instructions carefully as we DON’T miss any element of the project.

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