Instructions: For this assignment you will explore the California Infant/Toddle

For this assignment you will explore the California Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations and the California Curriculum Frameworks. In the net few weeks you will be asked to create a lesson plan for both infants and toddlers, the Foundations and Frameworks are resources you will be able to use to complete your lesson plans so for this assignment you will become familiar with these resources.
Part I: Watch this 13 minute video on the Infant/Toddler Foundations. After watching the video answer the reflection questions listed after the video.
Reflection Questions:
What are the CA Infant/Toddler Foundations? / What age span does the infant/toddler foundations focus on?
Why did the California Department of Education (CDE) develop this resources?
What are the four areas of development the Foundations are made up?
Describe some of the key skills in each of the domains in the Foundations.
What are some key points you learned from the video?
Part II:
California Infant/Toddler Curriculum Frameworks
The Curriculum Framework provides guidance in planning and implementing curriculum that supports children as they progress in their learning and development in each domain.
Use the link provided below to explore the Infant/Toddler Frameworks
California Infant/Toddler Curriculum Frameworks
Reflection Questions:
What did you notice about the Frameworks? What kinds of resources are provided?
What four areas of development are described in the Frameworks?
How can infant/toddler educators use the Frameworks?

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