Include these points in your summary of Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frank

Include these points in your summary of Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Discuss this book as if you are given a review of the book to a classmate who has never read the book. This is a formal essay and writing quality should be reflected as such.
Summarize the book to someone who has never read Man’s Search for Meaning.
On page 7 of Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl writes about, “barbed- wire sickness”. Discuss your thoughts on the meaning of that phrase.
How does Frankl describe/explain “ultimate freedom”?
Talk about the 3 sources that Frankl believed gave life meaning were: love, work, and suffering.
Discuss the ways Frankl kept his spirits up and stayed positive, despite the circumstances.
Who was Frankl’s connection to love? What event drove him to write (work)?
How might you use/apply lessons from this book to your personal life and with future clients?
2 pages, minimum.
Word document.
12 point, Times new Roman font.
Normal Margins.
Double Spaced.
Heading using Word header only, do not insert a heading into the body of the document.
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, formality, and capitalization are as expected in a 4000-level course.
If you make direct quotes from the book, please cite and use a reference page.

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