In this assignment, you are going to post on your social media accounts that you

In this assignment, you are going to post on your social media accounts that you have a new website.
You must post on LinkedIn. This includes the URL on your profile and a written post in which you tell your connections that you have a new website. State what the purpose of the website is and then give a clear CTA in which you ask people to go to your website and give you some feedback. Be more creative than “Check out my website.” That is C work.
You will then decide which other social media accounts you think it is appropriate to post on about your website. For example, your Facebook friends will probably be interested but you might not want to post on Instagram. Choose at least one other social media account to post the website link to and also on your profile.
Wait 3-4 days. Go to your Google Analytics account and find out where your referral traffic is coming from and then break it down by social media sites. Provide appropriate screenshots. You can find these by logging into your GA account. On the left, scroll down to Acquisition. Select Social and then screenshot the Overview and Network Referrals. NOTE: You may have the latest version of Google Analytics… if so, you want to go to the left side “acquisition” and then in the drop-down, there is “traffic acquisition”… that is what you want to screenshot.
Provide a screenshot of your social media posts that shows the number of comments, likes, retweets, and views (Twitter and LinkedIn provide the number of views) *please do not provide a screenshot of the post right after you do the post. It needs to reflect the comments, likes etc*
You won’t receive full points if your combined engagement numbers don’t hit at least 50 and your views don’t reach at least 150. You should have an active presence on social media. You should consider putting the link to your website on your Twitter profile as well as having it on your LinkedIn page which is required. These are very low numbers so you should be able to easily reach these numbers. I’m not asking for it to go viral.
Deliverable:Down and use this assignment template Download this assignment template.
Write a paragraph that addresses what you thoughtfully did to promote your website.
Put overarching metrics in your paragraph.
Create a header for each screenshot.
Include whether you have had any contacts with potential employers.
Upload your PDF or .doc document to Canvas
SamplesSample 1Download Sample 1
Sample 2 Download Sample 2
Sample 3Download Sample 3
Grading detailsMissing paragraph that addresses what you thoughtfully did to promote your website. (Value of 8 points)
Missed overarching metrics in your paragraph. (Value of 3 points)
Missed including whether you have had any contacts with potential employers. (Value of 2 points)
Missed following instructions of creating a header for each screenshot. (Value of 2 points)
Missing screenshots of Google Analytics (Value of 4 points)
Missing screenshots of social media posts (Value of 4 points)
Did not meet the reach requirements of the assignment and did not follow instructions to post 3-4 days in advance (Value of 4 points)

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