In Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of your textbook, you read about high-quality child care

In Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of your textbook, you read about high-quality child care programs, guidelines for safe environments, injury prevention, safety practices, emergency/disaster preparedness, and responding to medical emergencies and acute illness.
You also reviewed the Health, Safety, and Nutrition sections of the California Infant/Toddler Program Guidelines, California Preschool Program Guidelines, and California Preschool Learning Foundations, as well as several videos related to these topics.
Please provide brief and thoughtful responses to the following (1 paragraph per question):
Based on the Teachers’ Safety Checklist: Indoor and Outdoor Spaces (Teacher Checklist 7-4, p. 185-186), please describe two ways that you have made your children’s indoor or outdoor environment safe. If you have not recently worked with children, please describe one idea from this week’s learning materials that you would like to implement in order to enhance the safety of an indoor or outdoor environment (include the title and page number of the reading excerpt and/or the section of the video you are referring to).
Please share your thoughts about the article, Supporting Young Children’s Risky PlayLinks to an external site.. Please describe at least one idea from this article that you would like to apply to your work with children (or parenting).
Identify a significant concept from this week’s reading (something new you learned, something that enhanced your knowledge, or something that you think is important to share with other early childhood professionals) – cite a specific sentence that represents your selection and describe why you feel this concept, strategy, or element is key to what we are studying. (please include the page number)
Develop a question related to your response to #3 (significant concept) that requires a short essay/several sentence answer (these questions will be the basis for the open-book midterm exam – I will select some of your questions for the midterm).

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