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The 1987 Survey of Youth in Custody (Beck et al., 1988; U.S. Department of Justice, 1989) sampled juveniles and young adults in long-term, state-operated juvenile institutions. Residents of facilities at the end of 1987 were interviewed about family background, previous criminal history, and drug and alcohol use. Selected variables for the survey are in the dataset syc.csv, which is posted on Canvas or which you can find in the SDAResources R package. The codebook for the data is in syc.pdf provided on Canvas, or using ?syc in R to reach the documentation. Use the variable psu (facility) as a grouping variable for parts (a) and (b).
(a) Impute the variable live with, which measures who each person lived with most of
the time when they were growing up, using a hot-deck method where the donor is selected via a
nearest-neighbor method. You may choose which variables to use to create the distance measure (e.g., age, race, etc.) Discuss why you picked the variables you did. Make a table of the values of live with including the imputed values.
(b) Choose another variable with some missing values and impute the missing values using a different hot-deck method than in part (a). Make a table of imputed variable.
(c) Impute the variable age first, the age first arrested, using regression imputation with
age as the explanatory variable. Use the imputed age first to estimate the average age at first
arrest, using the sample weights finalwt. (You only need to find the point estimate, not the
standard error.)

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