I have this research to do, but I have three sources I need you to use, and then

I have this research to do, but I have three sources I need you to use, and then you can add one yourself
1.  Molina, M. D., Sundar, S. S., Le, T., & Lee, D. (2021). “Fake News” Is Not Simply False                        Information: A Concept Explication and Taxonomy of Online Content. American Behavioral Scientist, 65(2), 180-212.                                                                                                                        https://doi-org.remote.baruch.cuny.edu/10.1177/0002764219878224
2. Schaaf, J. M., Bederian‐Gardner, D., & Goodman, G. S. (2015, August). Gating Out Misinformation: Can Young Children Follow Instructions to Ignore False Information? Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 33(4), 390–406. https://doi.org/10.1002/bsl.2195
3.Bak, P. D. P., Walter, J. G., & Bechmann, A. (2022, September 7). Digital false information at scale in the European Union: Current state of research in various disciplines, and future directions. New Media & Society, 25(10), 2800–2819. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221122146
4. Giglietto, F., Iannelli, L., Valeriani, A., & Rossi, L. (2019, April 8). ‘Fake news’ is the invention of a liar: How false information circulates within the hybrid news system. Current Sociology, 67(4), 625–642. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011392119837536
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