I have attached the document and data below for the assignment. Please go throug

I have attached the document and data below for the assignment. Please go through the document carefully. Write an APA Style write-up for the analyses conducted here and in Assignment 5a. Take the role of the researcher writing up your own study; do not talk about Dr. M’Benga in the third person. • Be sure to cover all the sections and details included in the “Writing: What’s Expected” section of this manual, using proper APA format to present all results. Independent Samples t-tests are reported using the same format as that used for Dependent Samples t-tests (see Lab 5a section); the “Std. Error Difference” in the Output is what should be reported for the SEM. • In the Results, report all means and standard deviations first – you should have four sets, one for each test for each group of children. These are the same values being tested throughout, so they do not need to be reported again after this. • For the rest of the Results, handle each test type (single sample, dependent sample, independent samples) individually, one per paragraph. • For each test type, report, in this order: o outcomes of checking all t-test assumptions o test results, including effect sizes and 95% CI of the difference • The Discussion section should include an interpretation of these results in terms of the original research purpose. o When interpreting significance, use the effect size and 95% CI to augment your findings, determine practical importance, etc. o Make some interpretations and put it in context: o What’s going on? What’s the big picture? o What have we learned from this, and how can we use it? o Where are we now, and where can we go from here? What more should we look at? o Also address any confounding factors limiting our interpretation of these results.

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