I have already done the assignment but I got feedback from my prof to just fix s

I have already done the assignment but I got feedback from my prof to just fix somethings and I need you to do that. It is highlighted in yellow in the attached file. And this is How to fix the above: They should have the same findings, as Hay article is based on Perruchini research . Also, it needs more discussion about the disparities between the public article and the research article and how that impacts the public perception of the research. You will find the resource at the end of the research.
Here is the actual assignment:DESCRIPTION: Anthropological research routinely captivates
the public consciousness with news stories and television
programs on various topics ranging from the “Missing Link”
of human evolution and Sasquatch (i.e., Bigfoot) to buried
cities and lost tribes of the Amazon and elsewhere. This
interest extends into the realm of fiction with video games,
science-fiction programs, and movies. As we have seen
during the first third of the semester, there is often a
discrepancy between how scientific research is portrayed in the media or on television (e.g., Bones [Fox
Network]) and the actual research process, which involves a research design, experimentation, analysis,
peer review, and the publication of findings. These inaccurate portrayals can range from slight
misunderstandings to gross misrepresentations. Unfortunately, entertaining programs and movies can
have implicit messages, subliminal meanings, and unintended consequences for past and present
cultures. For example, consider the portrayal of the Persian Empire in Frank Miller’s 300 (2006) and 300:
Rise of an Empire (2014) and current socio-political and economic tensions between Iran and the West.
Similarly, how many people “understand” Mayan culture based solely on Mel Gibson’s depiction in
Apocalypto (2006)?

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