I chose the film “Sully” (Clint Eastwood, 2016). you are encouraged to run your

I chose the film “Sully” (Clint Eastwood, 2016). you are encouraged to run your thesis statement, or more than one, by your instructor early in your proposal writing process. A thesis statement comes at the end of the first paragraph of your final essay. It tells the reader what your paper will demonstrate; it presents your topic and your point of view on it (your argument). Sample thesis statements might look like this:
The mystery thriller Black Box is not based on an historical event, but the narrative features up-to-date technologies that make the viewer feel that they are watching a true story.
Your paragraphs should discuss different technologies introduced in the film.
The wives of the Mercury 7 astronauts are depicted in The Right Stuff as unhappy with and often angry about their roles as defined by NASA and the media.
Your paragraphs might cover three or four of the wives or be built around specific scenes where the wives express frustration.
Top Gun draws on the stereotype of the pilot hero as fictionalized in early Hollywood films, especially Hell’s Angels.
Your paragraphs would present the features of the pilot hero in Hell’s Angels and then discuss scenes in Top Gun that are similar. You might also discuss differences.
*****For the essay guidelines
Write a 200-250 word final essay proposal of three paragraphs. Identify the film you will analyze in the first paragraph by giving the title, director, date, and genre(s). The first paragraph should also include your proposed thesis statement (one to two sentences).
Then, present how in your final essay you will prove your thesis statement with evidence from the film. In other words, in the second paragraph discuss the techniques you will use to explore the film in relation to your thesis. These may include a character or scene analysis, a thematic overview, an analysis of aviation technologies in the film, an analysis of the storyline/plot, etc. In the third paragraph, you should mention which film from the films we have seen so far you will compare your film to in the last part of your final essay and why. ***I want to choose film “Black Hawk Down” (Ridley Scott, 2001) This is only for the last part (a paragraph, probably); do not compare two films throughout the essay.
In your final essay, you will use at least two outside sources from the readings for this class in your argument. It is not necessary to list these in the proposal, however.
It’s important that you include a version of your thesis statement so your instructor may comment on it or offer suggestions. The proposal is a proposal, not a final project, meaning your ideas may evolve over time. However, the proposal should be “complete” regarding these guidelines, even if the thesis statement or contents change.
Important: Your proposal should be double-spaced throughout and have a title. Each first line of a paragraph should be indented five spaces. Be careful to revise and edit for style, organization, spelling, and grammar, as these will count toward your proposal grade. Film titles should be in “italics”, and the year and director should be given the first time you mention a film.

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